Nutrition & Health Education During COVID-19
With social distancing and school closings, you may be wondering what to do about nutrition and health education. Many people, from musicians to personal trainers to artists, are sharing their expertise and talent with the world by way of Zoom, YouTube, Facebook Live, and other virtual ways of connecting. You can do this too!
If the thought scares you, start small. Do some trial runs with family and friends as your virtual audience. And really, don’t worry about messing up. Even the pros make mistakes.
As far as what topics to cover, the possibilities are endless. Give your audience a break from thinking about the coronavirus. Keep it light, but still provide some good information.
Health calendar observances are good sources of inspiration. There is a food or health topic for almost every day of the year. Some are official, others not so much. But as long as your information is accurate, go for it.
Health calendars we like:
- Food and Health Communications (our own!)
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- National Day Calendar
- Foodimentary
- Mindfulness Monday – Mindful Eating poster
- Tasty Tuesday – MyPlate-themed materials
- Earth Day Wellness Wednesday – Real Food Grows theme
- Thoughtful Thursday – check out Action for Healthy Kids
- Fitness Friday – Kids and Physical Activity theme