There's a lot of misinformation out there.

Set the record straight with this collection of PowerPoint presentations that debunk fad diets. Based solely on the latest scientific research, not news fads or sponsored information, these engaging presentations offer practical nutrition advice that your audience can use every day. Plus, each show directly addresses the problems with each fad diet and offers reasonable alternatives that will actually deliver results.

Each PowerPoint comes with an instant digital download along with a CD of the presentation that will be shipped for free. PDF handouts often accompany these shows as well.
7 products
Be Carb Smart PowerPoint and Handout Lesson - DOWNLOAD
$ 49.00
Be Fad Diet Free PowerPoint - DOWNLOAD
$ 49.00
Don't Waste Your Time With Fad Diets PowerPoint and Handout Lesson - DOWNLOAD
$ 49.00
Gluten Free PowerPoint: Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity - DOWNLOAD
$ 49.00
Healthy Diet Doesn't Come in a Pill PowerPoint and Handout Lesson - DOWNLOAD
$ 49.00
Myths and Facts for The Paleo Diet PowerPoint and Handout Lesson - DOWNLOAD
$ 29.00
Nutrition: Get the Facts PowerPoint Show - DOWNLOAD
$ 49.00
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