The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that the upper limit for sodium should be 2300 mg per day. The average person in the United States consumes about 3500 mg of sodium per day, clearly over the limit. And with over two thirds of the adult population in the US having elevated blood pressure or hypertension, it is now more important than ever to limit the consumption of excess sodium.
We all know that food and beverage manufacturers use a half day's supply or more of sodium in many packaged foods to make them more shelf stable and palatable to their customers.
Consumers have to learn to be more label literate so they can decipher the manufacturer claims versus what is really in the food they are buying and eating.
However, there is a big confusion about what is salt versus sodium and how does someone understand milligrams versus teaspoons and how to stick to their daily limit.
The sodium math show helps people understand the Dietary Guidelines for the limit of sodium. But more importantly, this show helps people calculate a food or drink and the sugar it contains into their own eating plan be aware of foods that are really high in sodium and how to make better choices. They become more aware of how it all adds up too quickly.
- English
- Over 40 slides with speaker's notes
- 3 PDF handouts
- Modern and professional graphics and colors
- Ages 8 to 100
- Download zip file
- Clipart included so you can use it in other projects
- License for one educator to use for educational purposes
- (ask us for additional licensing for more educators)
- Show is written by Lisa Andrews, MEd, RDN and Food and Health Communications
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