Online Wellness and Weight Program 26 Lessons

SKU: 888
Online Wellness and Weight Program 26 Lessons - Nutrition Education Store
Online Wellness and Weight Program 26 Lessons - Nutrition Education Store

Online Wellness and Weight Program 26 Lessons

SKU: 888
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Online Wellness and Weight Loss Program - 26 modules

You will find everything you need for an online weight loss program. This is perfect for your online school for employees, students, community members and patients. Engaging PowerPoint shows, color booklets, handouts and leader guide are ready to instruct everyone at their pace on their time. Leader guides help you make it fun with incentives, real time activities and rewards. PLUS our videos for portion control and shopping/menu planning are all ready to go for online viewing. This is the perfect WHOLE package you have been waiting for - ready for your intranet now.


2 Formats:

Online Weight Program on CD  $999.00




Leader's manual in PDF

Site license to put materials on intranet for one company

26 lessons on CD - offer a new lesson every 2 weeks or use the program for 2 years:

Each lesson has miniposter handout in PDF - perfect for website/email

PLUS handout/leaderguides for presentations - perfect for lunch and learn or to pass out more material at weigh ins

PPT shows they can watch online or for lunch and learn

Supporting materials in PDF:

menu planner handout

healthy shopping list

self assessment for better eating habits

food and activity log


bmi chart

weigh-in log

ideal weight worksheet

ideal calorie chart

9 videos on portion control, menu planning/shopping/cooking - in web format - embed or upload to your own site


Now you can finally have a complete weight loss program for your employees or clients. We have included every topic they will need to be a "loser". Putting a goal like weight loss into easy lessons is a winning idea for you, your employees and clients.

Lesson programs with multiple lessons puts your attendees in the habit of coming back to class for your knowledge and support. Group programs can make weight loss education more affordable for individuals and at the same time bring more money into your practice. If you are an employee-based facility, having a program for everyone promotes teamwork and success! And if you are creating an online program, this will provide valuable content that is electronically ready!

Lauren Hatcher, MS, RD, LDN, CWPC, LiveWell Carolinas, used the 12 Lessons of Wellness and Weight Loss to create a custom program for her hospital employees.

A total of 3102 employees participated in the weight loss challenge.

They lost 9530 pounds in 10 weeks - that is like losing 63.5 people who weigh 150 pounds each!

481 employees lost 5% and 123 teams participated with 12 of them achieving 5% weight loss or more as a team

We created custom online materials for Lauren with her logo and she purchased all 24 lessons and used them online - employees watched PowerPoint shows and received emailed handouts each week.

Way to go Lauren and CHS for LiveWell Carolinas!

This lesson plan for weight loss breaks a difficult goal into easy lessons that are relevant for today's consumer.

Imagine how much time it would take you to make these materials?

  • There are 26 lessons and they are flexible - teach one per day, one per week, one per month - any way you like.
  • All lessons follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and are kept up to date - you can ask for updated files anytime.
  • Use the leader guide to create contests and incentives - make it fun!
  • Use the PowerPoint shows or handouts in the lunchroom, classroom, your office or on an intranet
  • Use the lessons in online education programs!
  • Lessons are made for today's time-pressed consumer who often has very rich food choices everywhere - fast food, coffee shops, the snack cart, parties, grocery stores, gas stations and more.
  • Portion control, beverage calories, calorie density, eating breakfast and dining out prove to be very modern topics that are relevant.

Food log lessons by Victoria Shanta Retelny, MS, RD show real-world before and after examples for many lessons; a food log is given in lesson 2.

  • Lesson 1 - Do you need to lose weight? Use the BMI or Waist Measuring system to determine your weight status.
  • Lesson 2 - Want to Lose Weight? Burn More Calories than You Consume! Here are the nuts and bolts of weight loss.
  • Lesson 3 - Feel Full on Fewer Calories: Think "Choose Right" not "Diet" - choosing better foods makes it easy!
  • Lesson 4 - Exercise to Lose and Control Weight - everyone can benefit from being more active and less sedentary
  • Lesson 5 - Portion Control: Don't Go Overboard - whoa! huge portions are everywhere!
  • Lesson 6 - There's Lots of Good Reasons to Eat Breakfast - start your day right and eat healthy all day
  • Lesson 7 - Cooking is the Better Weigh - here is some incentive to prepare more food at home
  • Lesson 8 - Dining Out: Do It the Smart Weigh - and if they still want to eat out you can show them the best bets and the pitfalls
  • Lesson 9 - Don't Drink Your Calories - a little reminder that cups out there are huge and full of fat and sugar
  • Lesson 10 - Carbohydrate 101: Whole grains, veggies, fruits and legumes are good!
  • Lesson 11 - Snacking Smart: Think Out of the Bag - we have to talk about snacking - it can make all the difference if done right
  • Lesson 12 - Lower Fat for Better Weight Control - fat can sneak into a diet if you are not careful - here is how to keep it lean
  • Lesson 13 - Getting Started - whoa! Let's make realistic goals and learn to focus on the right ones - now we are on our way!
  • Lesson 14 - Home Exercise - you can burn a lot of calories right in your own home; now you will have no excuse!
  • Lesson 15 - Shopping Light - start right in the grocery store to make a better shopping cart so you don't bring home too many calories
  • Lesson 16 - Cooking Light Portion Control Cooking - using portion control in meal preparation is important and we make it easy
  • Lesson 17 - Fast Food Alternatives - a few rules, some warnings and a load of good options for those who must eat on the run
  • Lesson 18 - Healthy Plate - here is an easy way to get it right - fill the plate half full with veggies and a little protein and starch
  • Lesson 19 - Vacation Light - why not use vacation time to jump start your healthy lifestyle efforts? here is how! (great for summer!)
  • Lesson 20 - Fad Diets: Don't Waste Your Time - here is a great show that will explain the importance of your program
  • Lesson 21 - Brown Bag It - lunch can be a great time to eat healthfully out of the bag and walk a little
  • Lesson 22 - Stress Eating and Food Cravings - stress and cravings can really take you down the wrong path; here is what to do
  • Lesson 23 - Holiday Lights: Survival to Keep Off the Pounds - how to not gain weight during the holidays
  • Lesson 24 - Healthy Diet Doesn't Come in a Pill - an easy fix is not the answer
  • Lesson 25 - Do-It-Your-Self Health Plan
  • Lesson 26 - Food Label Reading

Each lesson brings you:

    • PowerPoint Slide Show 30+ slides with speaker's notes on CD - look savvy and help them learn

    • 10+ pages print-ready handouts and leader activity guide - color PDF file plus Word files on CD to use for intranet/email/handouts

    • Activity and incentive ideas for raffles included in the leader guide for each lesson

Learning objectives and goals:

  1. Do I need to lose weight?
  2. How to lose weight over the long term and keep it off?
  3. Why I want to cook more at home? What should I make?
  4. Why I need to make better choices when eating out and how to do that?
  5. Beverages have calories, too?
  6. Why is moving better than sitting?
  7. What is calorie density, how to categorize foods by calorie density using a go, caution and stop approach
  8. Preferred carbohydrates versus refined carbohydrates
  9. Fat is calorie dense, where is it hiding?
  10. I can snack better - what is a healthy snack?
  11. Eating breakfast and making healthful breakfast choices is a good idea!
  12. Why is portion control important? What are things I must know and remember?

Here is what other customers are saying about the these modules:

"I have enjoyed your Lessons of Weight Loss materials and have used the Portion Control DVD with my groups in our multi-displinary Bariatrics program." Randall Feezell. M.D.

"Attached are our overall stats for the 10 week program. We had optional onsite weigh ins at about 14 locations (about of participants did this) but “Educational” materials (almost entirely your stuff) was provided online on our internal website for our locations spread far and wide around the Carolinas. 3102 employees lost 9530 pounds and now we are on our next set of 12 lessons. Thanks!" Lauren Hatcher, MS, RD, LDN, CWPC

"The presentation gives a great general overview of what healthy ideas need to be followed. We have added a show-and-tell portion to demonstrate what the lesson details. What might be nice to include in the presentation is more case studies as we went through each of those with our group and also look at more comparisons - people learn more when they can see the data in their own life. Including more numbers and comparing food products (and then we can bring in the example products) would assist in digesting the material better. Overall a great product for us with little extra input needed. Nice to have the framework done!"

"The handouts for your programs have been great. Thank you!"

"Materials have been very helpful and informative.

"Thank you for such a thorough and concise product! We received an abundance of positive feedback from those we presented the material to, and we will continue to utilize the courses." Krista Bobo.

"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the wonderful added tidbits you are constantly sending us. The information is always useful, current, and fun. I recently purchased the wellness/weight management program from you and my boss (a nurse/educator) is still raving about how fantastic and versatile the program is. I am so anxious to start using it come Sept. So, thank you again, for the amazing job you do to keep us timely with our nutrition messages." Jane Hackett, MA, RD, CDE, LD

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