Title: Understanding Ultra-Processed Foods: What You Need to Know
This engaging presentation asks the audience what they ate today, and then the answers are classified by NOVA classifications. The pros and cons of ultra-processed foods are discussed. The food manufacturers own all the pros, while consumer health takes the cons!
But consumers don't eat categories. They eat food! This show helps them understand how to navigate all the food choices and end up with a more whole-food-based, nutritious diet. While Nova helps us understand classifications according to processing, it can't always determine a healthy diet.
- Nova categories
- How to classify food according to Nova
- What did you eat today? How do we classify it?
- How many Americans base their diet on ultra-processed foods?
- What are the health perils of diets based on ultra-processed food?
- Pros and cons of ultra-processed foods
- Quiz and breakout sessions - what would you eat
- Quiz to classify foods
- Food ingredient list of common food with ultra-processed ingredients
- Common sense tips and menu examples
- Resources
- 38 slides with speaker notes
- Ages 12-100
- 1 PDF handout
- About 30-45 minutes
- Download PDF and PPT files immediately with paid order
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