Do You Need To Lose Weight? Color Handout Download
Learning objectives & benefits:
- Download the color handout file in PDF (8 1/2 X 11 inches) and print to your heart's content for one site (if you need more than one site call us at 800-462-2352 for additional site licensing).
- One side looks just like our Do You Need To Lose Weight? poster.
- The other side shows clients how to assess their weight, gives them goals to help reduce body weight, and educates the individual on health risks associated with being overweight or obese
- The purpose of this handout is to make your clients aware of their weight status and health.
- The BMI table shows them their Body Mass Index at one glance. They can also measure their waist to determine if they need to lose weight.
Target population: In English, for general audiences, ages 12 - 100
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