Best Nutrition Education PowerPoints
Putting together a presentation is hard work, isn't it?
You have to research your topic, organize the ideas, communicate your points in a clear and compelling way, and even set up graphics, pictures, charts, and/or tables. Not to mention creating any coordinating activities or brainstorming questions for a follow-up discussion. There's a lot to do!
Does making a presentation have to be so hard?
Let us do the work for you! The Food and Health Communications team is full of experts in research, art, writing, and communication. Each contributor is a wizard at outlining the latest nutrition and health data to make engaging and informative presentations. We work together to save you time, building presentations that will be sure to reach your audience and communicate the messages that you value most.
The PowerPoints in the Nutrition Education Store are some of our best-selling nutrition education materials. And there's no question as to why -- the presentations are exactly what our subscribers need.
Take this rave review from Shirley M. Winslett, RD, LD, at Owatonna Hospital as an example. "The presentation went great. I can't tell you how much time this power point saved me. Thank you again for having a wonderful power point. Have a wonderful day!"
Right now, 5 great PowerPoints are outselling all the rest. If you're looking for a great nutrition or wellness presentation, one of these might be a perfect place to start!
Top Nutrition PowerPoint #5 Gluten-Free Guide to Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity
In this new Gluten-Free PowerPoint presentation and handout set, patients who have gluten sensitivities -- including wheat allergies, celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity -- will learn the ins and outs of living with their disease.
A diagnosis of celiac disease or gluten sensitivity can be overwhelming, and though there are more gluten-free products on the market these days, navigating the grocery store and making healthful choices can still be difficult.
This presentation is organized into the following sections...
- What is Gluten Sensitivity?
- Types of Gluten Sensitivities
- Gluten and Health Statistics
- Symptoms and Diagnosis
- What Foods Contain Gluten?
- Gluten-Free Cooking and Dining Tips
- Gluten-Free Meal Ideas
- Resources for More Information
- Quiz
- Coaches Show: This advanced show was designed for coaches and college/adult athletes. It features over 40 PowerPoint slides and 20 color overheads.
- Kid Show: This is a simple, fun show for kids. It has 30+ PowerPoint slides and 20 color overheads.
- Handouts: These handouts will help athletes remember the important messages, like what to eat for solid training, what to do before an event, and the importance of a high-quality diet.
- Nutrition Introduction: What Nourishes You?
- Carbohydrates: Which Are Healthful?
- Fats: When and Why?
- Protein: Variety is the Spice of Life
- Vitamins and Minerals: The Basics
- Converting Food to Energy: How Does It Work?
- Assessing the State of America's Plate
- MyPlate and the USDA Dietary Guidelines
- Food Labels and Health Claims
- Beverages: Which Aren't Healthful?
- Newtrients and Trends