Heart Healthy Cooking Demos Made Easy
The recently released 2019 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease recommends a healthy plant-based or Mediterranean-like diet high in vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, lean vegetable or animal protein (preferably fish), and vegetable fiber. Sound familiar?
No matter how much people know about heart-healthy eating, the hard part is putting it into practice. Show them how to remake their favorite dishes with a heart-healthy cooking demo.
Why cooking demos? Because we think there’s no better way to get the message across than with food. Show people how to cook, let them taste healthy food, and they’re more likely to try it at home.
Cooking demos are great for:
- Employee lunch-and-learns
- Community classes
- Parent nights at school
- Health fairs
- Home school groups
- Women’s shelters
- Food pantries
- Afterschool programs
- Drug/alcohol rehab
- Church groups
- Senior centers
- Leader guide
- Recipes (tested and simple, with easy-to-find, affordable ingredients)
- Make-ahead & presentation tips
- Shopping & equipment lists
- Handouts
- High fiber
- Fish
- Fruits & veggies
- Hypertension
- Vegetarian cooking
- Beans
- Grains
- Recipe modification
- Heart healthy recipes
- Meet MyPlate
- Whole milk to skim milk
- Butter to olive oil
- A little grated Parmesan cheese instead of a lot of grated regular cheese like mozzarella or cheddar
- Adding more veggies for most recipes
- Lean ground beef or turkey instead of regular ground beef
- Using more beans instead of meat