Sustainable Eating: Make it Simple
Sustainability is a hot topic, but it can be overwhelming. Linking it to healthy eating is one way to bring the concept down to what individuals can do to make a difference.
Our Sustainable Eating Made Simple PowerPoint is ready-made for introducing adults and students to the idea that their food choices can impact the future of our planet.
For some audiences, this may be a starting point for adopting a more sustainable lifestyle. Others may choose to implement one or two small actions. Either way, you’ve made a difference by giving them a taste of this important topic.
Teaching sustainable eating is a two-for-one because you’re also spreading the message of healthy, plant-based eating. If you want to take things a step further, offer a plant-based cooking demo using our Building a Plant-Based Eating Pattern: Vegetables DVD.
Be sure to make copies of the PDF handout that comes with the PowerPoint show – give it to your audience as a take-home reminder of what they learned. The handout is useful as a stand-alone, so go ahead and distribute it to your clients, employees, and parents to pique their interest.
For more resources on sustainable eating, take a look at this list from the USDA.
Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, LD