Display of the Month: Sugar Math
It's time for a brand-new Display of the Month!
This month, I want to feature Sugar Math: an engaging and memorable way to teach valuable lessons about added sugars and good health.
Let's dive right in!
The Materials:
- Banner and Stand: Beverage Better
- On Your Table: A Sugar Math Poster on a Poster Easel arranged behind some Sugar Math Handouts (and sugar measuring implements plus a few ziplocks and containers of yogurt if you're doing the measuring activity)
- Prizes: Water Wristbands, Stickers, and Bookmarks
- On the Wall Behind Your Table: Beverage Better Banner (or a screen if you're showing either the Added Sugars DVD or the Sugar Scoop PowerPoint)
- In Front of Your Table: Food Label Floor Decal and/or the Beverage Better Banner
- Game: Sugar Quiz
- Interactive Activity: Yogurt and Added Sugar Measurements
- Presentations: Added Sugars DVD or Sugar Scoop PowerPoint
- True or false: A healthy diet should include no more than 10% of its calories from added sugars. (true)
- How many calories per day is the upper limit for added sugars for the average person? (200)
- And what is that in grams of sugar? (50)
- Where can you find added sugars? (on the new nutrition facts label, or point to the general list of sugars in a food and explore how to intuit how much of those sugars is added)
- Roughly how many teaspoons of sugar make up the average upper limit for daily added sugar intake? (12)
- Eating Pattern Shifts
- Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month
- 10,000 Steps
- Nutrition Month
- Portion Control
- Sugar
- Beverage Better