Re-portion Your Portions

It’s been 15 years since Morgan Spurlock’s Super Size Me documentary came out. While customers may no longer be asked if they want to “super size” their fast food meal, portions are still out of control. So if you’re looking for a topic for your next class or health fair, check out the materials in our Portion Control theme.

The high-impact photos on our Portion Control posters, banners, and tearpad will open your clients’ eyes to over-sized portions, teaching lessons like these:
  1. Take a “value meal” out of the bag and put it on a dinner plate – it barely fits! This image will pop into their minds the next time they’re ordering fast food.
  2. Split that fast food meal in half and add a side salad – now it feeds two people and the calories are cut by more than 50 percent. That’s a much better value!
  3. That bag of chips is only one serving, right? Wrong! Pre-portion single servings of chips, crackers, and other snacks so you won’t be fooled again.
  4. A massive muffin has more calories than a single meal. When baked goods like this are too tempting to pass up, take just one quarter of the muffin and fill up the rest of your plate with fruit and yogurt.
  5. Big bottles and cups of soda contain multiple servings. If you’re going to indulge, pour a single 8oz serving into a glass.
  6. You don’t have to eat the over-sized portions given to you by manufacturers and restaurants – take control of your portions!
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