Quiz: Make a Healthy Plate

Quizzes are great vehicles for teaching key health lessons and making sure they stick. Today, as a special treat, I'd like to share one of the quizzes from the PowerPoint show Make a Healthy Plate. This show is one of the chapters in the 12 More Lessons of Wellness and Weight Loss program, which is a comprehensive employee weight loss program. Are you ready for the sneak peek? Which Plate? All right, here's the quiz. Take a look at the slide above. Which plate has the most calories? Is it Plate A, with a chicken fried steak and fries, or is it Plate B, the one filled with a chicken and vegetable stir fry alongside some brown rice? Answer Slide You may not be surprised to see that it's Plate A that has the most calories, but look at how many more calories it has than Plate B. Plate A has 1,121 calories, while Plate B has only 356 calories. That's a 765 calorie difference! A closer look at Plate A Let's take a closer look at each plate. You get the calorie total in Plate A by combining an 8-ounce fried steak -- which has 521 calories -- with 6 ounces worth of French fries. That serving has 600 calories, which brings the total up to 1,121 calories. The fat content is nothing to sneeze at either. When the 21 grams of fat in the steak join the 33 fat grams in the fries, they add up to 54 total grams of fat on that plate alone! Plate B Now let's do the same math for Plate B. A single cup of carrots and a cup of broccoli each have 54 calories. The chicken breast has another 140 calories, and the brown rice has 108 calories. When you add all that up, you get 356 calories for the plate. And the fat grams are much smaller as well. Each cup of vegetables has less than 1 gram of fat, and the brown rice has none at all. The chicken breast has 3 grams of fat, which brings the fat total for the whole plate to roughly 4 grams of fat. That's where I'm going to end the slide preview for today. This excerpt comes from pretty early in the Healthy Plate PowerPoint. The show goes on to cover the basics of MyPlate, the components of each My Plate food group, strategies for eyeballing the correct portions, ways to calculate the total calories on your plate, and even methods for "shrinking your plate" at each meal. Fun pop quizzes pepper the presentation, which ends with a review of its most important points. And that's just 1 chapter of the 12 that are featured in the 12 More Lessons of Wellness and Weight Loss program! I wasn't kidding when I said that it was comprehensive. Check out the details for the 12 lessons in the link below... Here's a PDF copy of all the slides you saw today -- feel free to use the quiz however you'd like! Healthy Plate And here are some other great resources from the Nutrition Education Store!