Make Your Salad a Rainbow
There are many different ways to tell people to eat more fruits and vegetables. You might say eat a plant-based diet or eat more colorful foods or eat foods that grow. But with our new Make Your Salad a Rainbow poster, the picture says it all by showcasing the natural beauty and colors of fruits and vegetables.
This poster really takes nutrition education to the next level. Display it where people will see it every day, like in the cafeteria or in a busy hallway. The picture is so beautiful, the image is bound to stick in their minds, perhaps making them add more color to their plate without even thinking about it. Those who stop long enough to read the tip boxes will get a quick lesson on the nutrients associated with each color.
With 30 fruits and veggies pictured on Make Your Salad a Rainbow poster, it would be fun to have a contest to see who can name the most.

- In a classroom setting, you can do this in groups or individually.
- For health fairs, pass out index cards for people to write down the items they can identify, along with their name and contact information. (We have bookmarks, buttons, and wristbands to use as prizes.)
- If the poster is displayed in a common area (like the cafeteria or hallway), make it a crowd-sourced activity. Use sticky notes or a dry erase board for people to write the fruits and veggies they see.
- For a different twist, post a list of the fruits and veggies pictured and see who can find them on the poster.