Display of the Month: Beverage Better
It's time for another edition of the Nutrition Education Store's Display of the Month series! This time, we're going to focus on drinks! Are you ready to help your clients "Beverage Better"?
The Materials:
- Banner and Stand: Beverage Better
- On Your Table: Don't Drink Your Calories Poster on a Tabletop Easel, with a few Beverage Better Handouts and some Sugar Test Tubes.
- Prizes: Water Bookmarks and Stickers
- Drink Makeovers and Trivia Game
- Brainstorm Better Beverages
- Are You Drinking Candy? Sugar awareness poster or handouts
- How Much to Work It Off? Exercise and calorie awareness poster
- Activity Idea: Beverage Buffet
- Presentation Idea: Beverage Calorie and Exercise Presentation