Defeat Diabetes Distress

Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes can be scary and overwhelming. Patients and their loved ones have so much to learn, but educators have to be careful not to push too much information on them too soon. Help your clients avoid diabetes distress with our 12 Lessons of Diabetes program. Through PowerPoint shows, an e-book, and handouts, you’ll have everything you need to teach them key lessons one chunk at a time. Here are some tips for putting the 12 Lessons to good use with individuals and groups:
  1. Record your PowerPoint presentations so participants can go back to lessons they need to spend more time on. Knowing that they have more than one chance to learn information takes the pressure off.
  2. Emphasize the importance of making small changes that add up to a healthier lifestyle. That's what Lesson 2 on smart goal setting is all about. The sooner clients learn how to do this, the better!
  3. Reinforce key messages by sending follow up information after each session. The 12 Lessons program includes plenty of handouts to use for this.
  4. Share the CDC’s 10 Tips for Coping with Diabetes Distress. Let clients and their family members know that some stress and anxiety is normal and that you're there to help them handle it.
Hollis Bass, MEd, RD