Can One Plate Make a Difference?
When someone is diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes, it can be scary and overwhelming. Could one plate really make a difference? If it’s our Healthy Plate for Diabetes, we think so!
For most people, learning how to eat for blood sugar control is an ongoing process. If this process ends when they leave your office or class, they’re not going to make much progress.
But when they take home the Healthy Plate for Diabetes, they’ll have a tool to help them build diabetes/prediabetes-friendly meals by:
- Increasing intake of non-starchy vegetables, which take up half of the plate
- Limiting grains and starchy vegetables to one quarter of the plate
- Keeping lean protein to one quarter of the plate
- Mastering portion control without weighing or measuring food
- Using the Healthy Plate for Diabetes/MyPlate concept as a guide when eating mixed dishes, casseroles, sandwiches, etc.
- Visualizing their Healthy Plate when eating away from home