8 Ways to Combat Coronavirus Chaos
Coronavirus is on everyone's mind. We have 3 new posters (handwashing, staying home when sick, COVID-19 facts) along with classic "Avoid the Flu" posters PLUS this informative article to help you address the seriousness of the situation we’re all dealing with right now.
But I think you'll agree that sometimes you need to lighten things up. Let's help folks forget the scary headlines and bring a smile to their faces, if only for a short time.
Here are eight ways to combat coronavirus chaos:
- Start a simple challenge, like 10,000 steps a day or a 10-minute daily walk. Set up a Facebook group for participants (you can make it private). Give away small prizes. We have 10,000 steps-themed stickers, pins, and wristbands or check out our list of low-cost prize ideas.
- Spread some cheer by decorating for St. Patrick’s Day, National Nutrition Month, or March Madness. For other days to celebrate (International Carrot Day, anyone?), check out our calendar and Foodimentary.com. Our fruit and veggie balloons will brighten up any office, classroom, or cafeteria.
- Let adults and teens do some coloring. It can be meditative and takes your mind off your worries. With our MyPlate adult coloring book, you get the added benefit of healthy messages and images of healthy foods.
- Get ready to garden! Give away seedlings or small seed packets (your local garden center might be willing to donate some). Or organize a perennial plant swap. Getting everyone thinking about summer and the outdoors is like adding a ray of sunshine to their days.
- Post a picture of a fruit or vegetable every day and see who knows its name and/or nutrition benefits. We have lots of free clipart to get you started. Or search online for images of unusual fruits and veggies, like ugli fruit and purple cauliflower.
- Get a little corny with some food jokes.
- Teach proper hand washing with a lunch-and-learn or Facebook Live session. Include a hand washing experiment using a product like Glo Germ. Or check out this simple science experiment that only requires a few slices of bread! Choose a variety of songs they can sing to ensure they are washing their hands for 20 seconds.
- Set up a Just the Facts zone to remind folks that they shouldn't believe everything they hear or read. Check out the World Health Organization's coronavirus myth-busters. Maybe there are a few more myths you can debunk for your audience and locale.