Food Label PowerPoint Express
This show shows both old and new food labels with exciting changes plus advice to read the food label in a 1-2-3 format. It explains the daily value of added sugars.
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Learning objectives & benefits:
This PowerPoint show and matching handouts about how to read a nutrition facts label are perfect. It teaches today's busy consumers EXACTLY what they need to know to use the Nutrition Facts Label on food products so they can make healthier shopping decisions every time they go to the grocery store.
Three things to evaluate on a food label besides the manufacturer's claims:
- calories and portion size
- heart health attributes (fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium)
- benefits (fiber, nutrients)
Five common mistakes of food label reading:
- WHAT? ignore the label?
- UH OH - too much salt!
- WHOOPS - there's more than one serving per package
- OKAY, so fat/sugar-free is not calorie-free
- And this one sounds good on the front of the package, but it is not that good according to the label
- There are fun examples for each section of this PowerPoint show, plus a popup quiz and a good example photo of a shopping cart that is mostly fruits and veggies.
- This PowerPoint show with speaker's notes is great for all audiences - kids, seniors, low literacy, busy professionals.
- Now, you can tell them just what they need to know.
- The five mistakes of label reading really summarize what is found in the grocery store -
- how many times do people buy items that are just way too high in salt?
- Or that don't have realistic portion sizes?
- How many people ignore labels (we were hard-pressed to find ANYONE reading a label on a recent trip to our store),
- how many people eat fat-free cookies like the calories don't matter?
- It is one thing to understand the lingo on a food label, but entirely another to put that information into action fast so you will use it each time you shop.
- Our quizzes will keep them entertained and get the point across.
- This great show has 26 slides, so you can show it fast in 15 to 20 minutes and then have a few minutes left for questions. Best of all, you receive a color handout PDF file of the slides to hand out or email at the end. Less is more!
- One great price of $39 for a fast show you can't live without.
See our matching "Nutrition Facts Poster Set."
- Number of PowerPoint slides with speaker's notes: 26
- Number of handout pages with leader guide (PDF): 8
- Target audience: Ages 14 - 100
- Approximate length of show: 15 - 20 minutes
- Get an immediate digital download and lifetime updates to the digital file.
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