Nutrition Month Health Fair Display
March is a universal nutrition and diet awareness month. Nutrition Month® is to help the public become aware of the importance of a healthful eating plan as recommended by the Dietary Guidelines and MyPlate.
The 2025 theme by The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is Food Connects Us. It is a great theme to teach many wellness skills. Healthy eating strengthens connections by sharing meals, cooking, and supporting each other’s nutrition goals, fostering physical health and emotional bonds. Now is the time to teach the basics and fun ideas to stay connected:
- how to read a label
- meal planning and cooking together
- benefits of the family meal
- making MyPlate together
Here, we have assembled over 30 tools that allow you to teach classes, wellness fairs, or presentations for Nutrition Month® about the importance of a nutrient-dense diet that promotes health. Our motto is to make it visual, impactful, relevant to the audience, and fun!
- NUTRITION MONTH Download: History of Nutrition Timeline Printable Handout Poster
- DOWNLOAD for Kids: Here is a fun printable handout and coloring sheet for Nutrition Awareness.
- MORE IDEAS: Check out our 2025 Hot Topics for food, health, and nutrition classes.
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